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    Eco-Line series boilers; are manually loaded heating boilers that are manufactured with the aim of using imported orange and walnut charcoal and can be supported with wood. The most important feature of these boilers is; This is because deep water walls have been created on 4 sides of the boiler. This situation has increased the surface area of the embers and it is aimed to prevent the continuous flaming burning of the fuel and to provide maximum savings from fuel. In other boilers; While the method of benefiting from the flame was preferred, the method of benefiting from the embers was chosen. Our Eco-Line Series boilers produced in 3 different capacities in the range of 25.000 and 45.000 calories; It is manufactured with 3-4-5 smoke passages.

    In boilers; Thanks to the bowl grill and screening system registered with the utility model certificate, it is possible to extend the burning time for days by adding only fuel without the need to ignite the fuel again and again every day. On the control board on the boiler; There are 2 mechanical thermostats that control the fan and the recirculation pump, 1 thermometer and on-off button. In this way, the combustion course and temperature control of your boiler can be done automatically. In addition, the control panel used here is optional and a digital control panel can be used according to the user's request.

    The mechanical parts of our boilers for 2 years, the electronic parts for 1 year are under the guarantee of our company and technical support can be provided by our dealers. Our boilers have brought themselves to the forefront with their efficiency over the years and are the most economical and practical solution in this field.


Kazan Accessories and Other Features

► Manual / Digital Control Panel

► Curtain Cover System

► Large fuel tailgate

► Screening and Tipping System

► Throttle / Fan System Connected to Thermostat

► Gradual Bafil (Flame Breaker) System

► Max. Easy-to-change grille for combustion

► Manual Screening and Tipping Levers

► Insulation / Insulation / Silent Operation Feature

► Large Volume Ash Pan

► Possibility to Burn All Kinds of Solid Fuel

► Front Cleaning Possibility of Boiler